| Video: Sony CES 2010: PlayStation 3 and 3D Q&A Session January 8, 2010 at 11:48 pm |
| For those who didn't make it to this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Sony's Social Media Manager [b]Jeff Rubenstein[/b] has shared a PlayStation 3 video today which includes a 3D Q&A session. To quote: 3D is undoubtedly the biggest buzzword at this year's Consumer Electronics Show. We know it's coming to the PS3, but how exactly is that going to work for current PS3 owners? I asked that question of SCEA Director of Hardware Marketing [b]John Koller[/b], and the answers are in the video below. We'll have more from CES here on Monday. In the meantime, you can find more Sony CES news [url=http://www.sony.com/index.php?hero=ces&SR=ces:placeholder]here[/url]. [viddler id=e8e79691&w=327&h=545]  
| LittleBigPlanet PS3: Sack it to Me: The 2010 Kickoff Edition January 8, 2010 at 11:39 pm |
| SCEA Marketing Manager [b]Mark Valledor[/b] has shared the first LittleBigPlanet PS3: Sack it to Me 2010 'kickoff' edition today. To quote: We hope everyone celebrated the New Year with a bang! We're looking forward to another year of Sack it to Me posts filled with more LBP level creations and community happenings. You guys continue to amaze us with all the new and creative things, and it's been a challenge to keep up with all of the LBP activity - a challenge we look forward to in 2010. I thought it would be fun to kick off the year by celebrating some activity on our fan sites: Over at [url=http://www.littlebigplanetguide.com/page/LittleBigPlanet+Fan+Art]LittleBigPlanetGuide.com[/url] & [url=http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/littlebiggallery/index.php?c=2]LBPCentral.com[/url] - a bunch of us refreshed our desktops with new Sackboy wallpapers created by the fans. Our friends at [url=http://www.littlebigland.com/]LittleBigLand.com[/url] just concluded their Pod Decor  
| Exclusive Footage of The Temper Trap Hits PlayStation Network January 8, 2010 at 11:27 pm |
| VidZone's Head of Production [b]Ben Creasey[/b] has announced today that some exclusive footage of The Temper Trap playing at Koko Club in London with the hit single 'Sweet Disposition' is hitting Sony's PlayStation Network. To quote: We've got live footage of The Temper Trap playing at Koko Club in London with a set that includes the brilliant hit single 'Sweet Disposition'. We've also got their video for the brand new single 'Fader' and to celebrate the success of the debut album 'Conditions' we'll be giving the VidZone application a bit of a makeover in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, UK, [url=http://blog.fr.playstation.com/]France[/url], [url=http://blog.de.playstation.com/]Germany[/url], Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg for the Aussie wonders. They're also touring Europe from late February through to May so head over to their website for more details, then you can catch them live in person not only on VidZone! Also... Check out new playlists including exciting H  
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