In all honesty, it's something PlayStation 3 owners should definitely want, and something they're definitely missing.
As part of their "we'll-buy-anything-for-a-certain-price" endeavor, Microsoft managed to secure exclusivity for the Lost and Damned downloadable content for last year's gem, Grand Theft Auto IV. However, as Gamingfront reminds us, that exclusivity deal only lasts six months. ...hence, if we do the math, The Lost and Damned should be free of its constraints and become available to PlayStation 3 owners on August 20. Obviously, it's unlikely that the DLC will pop up on exactly that day on the PlayStation Network, but we wouldn't be surprised to see it arrive towards the end of summer some time. As many have said, outside of first-party projects, there really isn't much in the way of true-blue "exclusivity" left in this generation, and if you're talking about a game that was multiplatform since Day 1, well... It almost seems inevitable that The Lost and Damned would show up for the PS3 version of GTAIV at some point, and that's not just optimism talking. For those of you who are still annoyed that Microsoft managed to strike this deal: you're just gonna have to get over it.
We'll let you know when we hear more about this DLC for PS3 owners. You never know; it may be one of the big Sony announcements at E3.
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